Step 4: Activate your course
In order to activate your course with Savvas Realize you will need to open any one Savvas item in your Canvas course by simply clicking on any one material. You only need to do this once.
Step by step directions
To trigger the course activation with Savvas, open any one Savvas item in your course.
Savvas Realize will prompt you to select the school your Canvas course belongs to. Choose the school the Canvas course belong to and then click Select.
Once you selected the school your course belongs to, Savvas Realize will setup the corresponding class in Savvas Realize.
You will then be shown the content preview of the item you selected.
You can click in the Launch Savvas Realize button to open your course in Savvas Realize.
In Savvas Realize you can see the class created based on your Canvas course. All Canvas rostered classes end with "(LMS)" to denote it was rostered by Canvas.
Important: Savvas employs "just-in-time" rostering and class assignment creation which allows you to manage your rosters in Canvas (and not require an SIS integration) and to copy and share Savvas assignments with others using Canvas Commons and Blueprinting and Copy To. This means:
Savvas does not add students and co-teachers to your Savvas Realize class until they open a Savvas item in the corresponding Canvas course.
Savvas does not add class assignments until the first student opens the Savvas item in the corresponding Canvas course.