How to review and grade student work
When a student completes a Savvas assignment, Savvas Realize syncs the grade back to the Canvas Gradebook. If the assignment requires the teacher to manually score Canvas displays the turned in icon.
Step by step directions
Viewing grades synced from Savvas Realize
Savvas Realize automatically syncs grades back to your Canvas gradebook including a turned in notification for work that requires manual grading by the teachers. Notice how Canvas converts the score from Savvas Realize into the max points or grade display type that you set in Canvas.
When a student turns in a Savvas assignment that requires the teacher to manually grade the item, Canvas will display a turned in icon. If you open the assignment side bar you will see that Savvas Realize left a comment indicating that the assignment is completed and requires manual grading.
How to review and score student work
Currently Savvas Realize does not support opening the assignment inside of the Canvas Speedgrader. Instead you can review and score the student's assignment inside of Savvas Realize. Simply click on the assignment name in the gradebook.
Now you see the Savvas Realize assignment review screen. Here you can:
See a preview of the assignment.
See who has turned in the assignment and who needs to be scored.
See who is in progress.
Review and score students' work.
By default you are brought to the Teacher's Preview.
Under Turned In you can see which students have turned in their assignment and if the grade is missing, you know that you need to give them a score.
To review and score the a student's assignment simply click on student's name.
Expanding the Savvas Realize assignment review screen
You can make the Savvas Realize review screen larger by simply opening Savvas Realize in a new browser window by clicking the Savvas Realize button:
You now will have the full screen to review the student's work.
Review and score student work
There are many different assignment types and different types may have slightly different workflows. All you need to do is to select the student you want to grade. Once you select the student you can:
Review the students work.
Give them a score, unless it was auto-scored.
Provide comments.
In the example below, the assignment is a PDF and needs to be manually scored by the teacher. The score is entered in the Score text field.
Click on Comments and scroll to the bottom to leave a comment to the student.
Grade pass back to Canvas
Once you provide a grade to the student or the assignment was auto-scored, Savvas Realize passes the grade back to your Canvas Gradebook.
Canvas will convert the grade in Savvas Realize to the point scale you see in Canvas. It will also provide a comment, indicating the assignment is now fully graded.