How to share content using Canvas Commons
Modules is a great way to share content with teachers. Instead of trying to sync content using Blueprinting you can place lesson modules into Canvas Commons and allow teachers to grab what they need.
Savvas Realize supports the copying and sharing of assignments including Canvas Commons. When you add Realize content and assignments to your course, Realize does not create a student's assignment until they open the assignment in their course in Canvas.
In this tutorial we will show you how to use Canvas Commons to share a module with teachers in your school district.
Step by step directions
Add a Module to Canvas Commons
To share a module, click on the three-dot Options button in the module you want to share. Select Share to Commons.
Fill in how you want your module to be shared. Include a description and an image for the module and then click Save.
Your module is now visible in Commons.
Add content from Canvas Commons to a course
To add a module to your course, go to your course. Click on Import from Commons.
Find the module you are looking for using the search. Once you found your module click on the module name.
Click on Import/Download to import the module into your Canvas course(s).
Select the course(s) you want to add the module to.
Navigate back to your course. You will now see the module in your course.
Important: Make sure the module is visible to your students.
Activate the course with Savvas Realize
Remember that you will need to open any one Savvas item in your course to active the class creation in Savvas Realize. Simply open any Savvas item in your course.
Choose the school your Canvas course belongs to and then click Select.
The class will now be created in Savvas Realize and your students will now be able to access their Savvas assignments.