Step 6: Review and score student work with grade pass back
In this tutorial we will show you how you can review and grade student work and how those grades are automatically synced back to Google Classroom.
Click on the assignment you want to review under the Classwork tab in Google Classroom. Next, click on the Savvas Realize link to open the assignment in Savvas Realize.
In Savvas Realize you will see the assignment. Click on the student whose work you want to review and grade.
Grade the different parts of the assignment (in this example below there is just one) and Savvas Realize will calculate the total score. Once the assignment is scored, Savvas Realize will automatically pass the grade back to Google Classroom.
You can give students feedback using the Comments feature. Savvas Realize will not send the comments back to Google Classroom, however students can see the comments when the open the assignment in Savvas Realize.
Navigate back to Google Classroom and click on the Turned In to view the grades for each student you have scored.
Under Student work you can see the grades that were passed from Savvas Realize.
Things to know
As of August 25th, 2023 Savvas Realize will adjust the score to the max points you set in Google Classroom.
If you manually change a student's grade in Google Classroom, Savvas Realize could overwrite the scores you changed in Google Classroom. There are different events that can cause Savvas Realize to re-sync all grades for the assignment. Use Savvas Realize as the system of record for the student score.
Un-submitting an assignment in Google does NOT un-submit the assignment in Savvas Realize. Currently, there is no un-submit feature in Savvas Realize.