Copy and share

Save teachers time. Build a course once and share it with teachers.

One of the key benefits of having an LMS like Schoology is that you can build your course/lesson scope and sequence once and copy it to other courses. That is why Savvas built the integration so that you can copy and share Savvas materials within Schoology using:

You never have to worry about sharing Savvas assignments with other teachers; Savvas Realize creates student assignments on the fly when a students open the assignment in Schoology for the first time.

Being able to copy and share a course or a lesson not only saves teachers time, it  allows:

Share a lesson or an entire course using Schoology Resources

Savvas allows you to share a lesson or an entire course using Schoology Resources.

Share your Savvas materials using "Copy To Courses"

Savvas allows you to copy materials from one Schoology course to your other courses.