How to copy Savvas materials from one course to another
Savvas designed the integration with Schoology to allow you to copy Savvas assignments from one course into another course. This allows you to build a course scope and sequence once and share it with other teachers in your school district.
Schoology bug: There is currently a known issue with Schoology that when teachers import from Resources, the assignment is not retaining its LMS Graded status. Teachers, after importing from Resources, must manually check Enable Grading on items until Schoology addresses the issue.
Step by step directions
If you want to build out a full course or just lesson folders that can be shared with teachers across your district, we suggest creating a what many district call a "sandbox" course, which is just a regular course that has content built out and from which teachers across the district have access to and can copy content from.
To copy content simply click on the gear icon and select Copy To Course.
Choose the course or courses you want to copy the content into. You have the option of selecting the folder to copy the content into. In the example below Demo Course C is a blank course and has no folders in it.
Schoology will show the list of items you are importing. Click Copy Folder to copy the contents into the course(s) you selected.
You will receive a confirmation that the folder was copied.
Next, go to the course you copied materials into.
You will see the folder and the contents of the folder in the course you copied to.
Important! Make sure you enable grading.
When you copy multiple items from one course to another, Schoology sets the enable grading off. You will need to re-enable grading on each Savvas item you want grade pass back.
Schoology bug: If you copied content in Schoology and you turn on Enable Grading per the instruction below, Schoology is not passing the gradebook information to Savvas that is needed for grade pass back.
Click on the settings icon and select Edit.
Check Enable Grading to turn on the grade pass back. If you want the grades to appear in your gradebook make sure you choose a grading Category.
Important! You must open any one Savvas item to initiate the class activation in Savvas Realize.
When you open a Savvas item for the very first time in the Schoology section, Savvas Realize will ask you to identify the school your class belongs to. Once you select the school and click Select, Savvas Realize will create a corresponding class inside of Savvas Realize.
Your section is now activated and students can begin working on their Savvas assignments within Schoology.