Savvas LMS Integrations

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If you have an existing LTI-Advantage integration with us and would like to make an appointment for assistance, please click here

Google Classroom Integration

LTI-Advantage LMS Integrations

Are you evaluating a content provider's LTI-Advantage LMS integration solution?

Not all LTI-Advantage solutions have the same functionality. This scorecard provides you with critical questions you should be asking when evaluating a publisher’s LMS integration so you can have all the facts to make an informed decision. 

Share links

You can now share assignments using the new Savvas Realize assignment share link feature. Add links to your Savvas Realize assignments in  applications like Seesaw and Microsoft Teams or in chat rooms or documents.

Google Workspace Integration

Edit and customize Savvas-authored Google Docs directly within Savvas Realize to tailor your lessons. Students can now complete assignments and submit responses seamlessly in Google Docs, all within the same platform.