Step 2: Use a Google Classroom class with Savvas Realize

In this tutorial, you will learn to connect a Google Classroom class with Savvas Realize.  There are two ways to use Google Classroom classes with Savvas Realize, however depending on your school district, you may only have one option:

Importing classes from Google Classroom

Linking a Google Classroom to an auto-rostered Google Classroom class.

Prerequisite: Before you can import Google Classroom classes, you must have already linked your Google Classroom account with Savvas Realize. If you have not see Step 1: Connect your Google Classroom with Savvas Realize.

If you are not already on the Google Classroom import screen, click on Import Google Classes button from the Classes tab.

Next, choose the Google Classroom class you want to use with Savvas Realize.

If you belong to more than one school, you will be asked to select the school that the Google Classroom class belongs to. If you only have one school, this step is skipped.

Depending on how your school is configured, you will get one of the following screens below. Choose the screen that matches what you see and follow the link(s) below the image to continue the tutorial.

Class linking is off

Your school auto-rosters classes, however, your school only allows you to import classes from Google Classroom.

Continue with Importing a class

Your school does not auto-rostered classes. You can only import Google Classroom classes.

Continue with Importing a class

Class linking is on

You school district allows you to either:

To continue with the tutorial choose how you want to proceed:

Continue with Linking a class

Continue with Importing a class